Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Gratitude Project

I've decided to resurrect the old blog and blow off the dust in order to start a new blogging project.

52 weeks of gratitude.

Bitching and moaning seems to come pretty naturally to me. But approaching life with a sense of gratitude or thankfulness - well, that is something I need to work on cultivating.

And so the 52 Weeks of Gratitude Project was born.

Which is really just a fancy way of saying the thought popped into my mind and before I could talk myself out of it I decided to do it.

My first post will go up tomorrow night!


1 comment:

  1. Such a good project! I've been trying to be better about being grateful for the small things lately, too. Which can be ridiculously tough, sometimes. :p


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Every comment brings a smile to my face!