Saturday, February 19, 2011

Relationship Math

Sometimes, being married to a computer engineer is hard. He just thinks differently than me. So while I've done a pretty spiffy job of teaching him by being my crazy self that relationship dynamics may or may not be "logical" or "rational," I think these prints by artist Craig Damrauer would be useful study guides.

Neill's not the only one who would benefit from this relationship math. I can learn a thing or two from these equations also. For example, I know I'm guilty of gently reminding Neill about things more than once or twice and apparently reminding + reminding  + reminding = nagging. oops!


  1. My hubby is an engineer too - this made me laugh. :)

  2. hahaha, I love the nagging one! I still maintain that if you need to be reminded three times it isn't nagging so much though as it is reminding you of being lazy!

  3. ha! I like your interpretation of the equation much better!

  4. I love this! I especially heart the laughter = ha x3.

    My dad's an engineer. My teenage years were tough because of it! He didn't really get the whole "world is ending" mindset, and wasn't afraid to be blunt about it.

  5. LOL funny!!! Glad to have found another Chicago blogger!

  6. Thanks for stopping by Andrea! I always like connecting with Chicago bloggers. I'm going to check out your blog right now!


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